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Updated 4/20/2010 - Other Opinion and Rating Organizations

C Listings*

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Cadillac (Auto Mfg)- You pay a lot for planned obsolescence. 1) Plan on setttng aside thousands of dollars for repairs and maintenance after the warranty expires. Everything from mechanical to electrical. There are simply thousands of things that can go wrong with this manufacturer's cars. I usually recommend putting aside $2000 per year for repairs and another $2000 for vehicle replacement. I would double that in the case of Cadillacs. Consumer Reports consistently show a black dot under reliability for my DHS. What do I expect from Detroit? A government bailout? 10/1/2012

California, State of- Department of Motor Vehicles. 1) Long Lines 45 minute wait at Rocklin. 2) Requests people to use lines twice to obtain personalized plates rather than to send directly to customer. 3) Licenses vehicles to begin with. Useless bureaucracy. 9/10/01 4) Called 800 number to make an appointment and received a busy signal all morning. 5) Got through at 5:30 and made the soonest appointment for 21 days later. The DMV represents all that is wrong with California State Government as it continues to waste money and Californians productivity, time, fuel, etc.

Camping World - 1) Tons of junk mail 2) 99 cent pricing. - 6/17/2008

Canon (Cameras, Printers & Scanners)- 1) Late Rebate Payment 6/24/04 2) Unclear sales of i80 printers blue tooth and portable battery aspects that do not come with the $299 printer, but that you must purchase after the fact for an additional $178 bringing the total cost to $477. 3) 99 cent pricing (through 2/3/2010, 4)Scanner breaks due to faulty locking mechanism and track after minimal usage, 5) Canon only offers a discount on refurbished scanner rather than expensive repair. 6) Link to discounted refurbished scanner like mine doesn't work and goes to a "page not found" page. 7) Price offered is more than that of over 111 retail outlets. 2/3/2010. CONCLUSIONS: Canon does not stand by its poorly made products.
red paw
black pawred pawred pawblack pawred paw

Capital One (Capital One Services, Inc) - Hopefully it's not in your wallet. Capital One represents all they some of us detest about credit card issuers. 1) Junk mail (latest of approximately 20 received the past month. It seems I've been getting four or five offers per week of expensive promotional materials trying to get me to apply. So this is why your interest rate is so high? You pay their marketing and the extra paper from a gizillion trees. 2/23/10 2) 0% A.P.R. based on credit research provided by Credit Agency or other source, 8/12/01, again on 8/14/01, again on 9/4/01, Small Biz Visa on 8/31. and Mastercard junkmail 8/25/01 This has been going on for years as an enticement before delivering one with a higher interest rate. This probably appeals most to credit card junkies, who upon receipt of their new card, can't resist using it despite the higher rate. A letter accompanies the card to many applicants explaining how the user didn't qualify for the 0 percent. 3) Also repeated Hidden Bank name on outside of envelope on separate piece on 8/25/01 and 8/31/01, . again on 10/22/01. 4) Constantly increasing fees and rates i.e. up to $35 late fees. Interest rates can also jump to 23.63% plus libor currently equal to 24.99% as of unposted date on letter. 5) banks tend to post increases immediately and decreases after a long time in hopes that it goes up again? 6) 99 CENT PRICING. I.E.. 24.99% 7) If you live in certain states, you must send in a coupon to decline new rates and stop using the card. Watch out for auto charges. 8) Conflict on terms says you must also pay off the balance to stop the increased rates. 9) Staff makes false commitments with customers to convince them to keep cards promising to waive fees, etc. 10) Then the fees are not waived and you may find yourself with additional fees, interest and late charges before you realize that they broke their commitment. Capital ONe is another typical bottom feeding organization that preys on its customers, then markets over they extremely bad reputation. 11) When I escalated the call, the staff was extremely rude and recommended sarcastically that I have a safe trip. Let's hope that Capital One gets justice soon and that its staff gets reputable work elsewhere. Most credit card companies have worse credit than the customers they serve. That is definitely the case with Capital One. BEWARE THE FINE PRINT IN THIS COMPANY'S CONTRACTS. IT IS DESIGNED TO HARASS AND DISCREDIT YOU. The only reason a company like this is in business is that you let them stay in business. It certainly isn't for good service or fair and ethical business practices. 2/23/2010 Updates after further postal blasts. 4/20/2010
Red PawRed Paw

Carnival Cruises - Unsolicited faxes 10/22/02

Casablanca Express - 1. (800) 315-2065 calls and then hangs up. 7/6/09.
black paw

Chase Home Financial - 1.) Extremely poor customer service dropped call 2.) Takes three months to get mortgage account posted for online banking. 3) Referred to Internet to make payment, but you don't know that it takes three months to set up account because you are not told that. Instead, you keep trying to no avail. Prey that you don't get your loan bounced to Chase for servicing. 12/8/06

Chevron- Junk Mail 10/31/01

Chevys Fresh Mex- 1) Junk Mail 2) 99 cent pricing 6/5/2008

Chronos L.C. Software (Personal Organizer for the Macintosh & Sticky Brain)- 1) Junk Software that isn't like anything promoted in its pacaging, 2) Email support. Toll phone with $10 for support even to set up software. 3) Uncompromising management that is not allowed to pass calls upward. 10/31/01 4) No upgrade pricing, you simply pay for the upgrades as though they were new programs. 5) Sales department is not available at 10:30 a.m. on a Monday (non holiday) (probably gets too many angry customers) 10/31/03 thru 12/13/04.

Citibank- Placing Date Due on the send in coupon and not on the statement. Once you send in the coupon, then its pretty hard to dispute the date due since you sent it in with the payment???? 11/30/04. (2)Setting up new password verification with ridiculous questions you would never remember. The nickname of the spouse was good, but mine was less characters than permitted. This is a caused by a combination of bad IT management and bad corporate management which should show more obviously during the coming years. 5/07 3) Consistently donating to (bribing) political campaigns. Probably does so Internationally.

CITIGROUP, Inc - 1) Contributed 309,350 to G.W. Bush 2004 2) Contributed 264,131 to John Kerry 2004 10/21/04

Clear Concepts Mortgage ( Junk Mail 3/17/03

Cingular Wireess - A typical "why we shouldn't do business with big companies" type of company.-99 cent pricing 8/2002. 2) On hold 5 minutes to cancel service, 3) then another 3 minutes to cancel. 4) then couldn't cancel because I'm under a contract for a phone a returned within days, but operator couldn't verify return to their own company's phone and wanted me to go back to their store to resolve it rather than call themselves. 5) on hold extensivey to wait for manager. 6) Manager would call back in 24 to 48 hours. 7) beign billed waiting for call back. 8) took hour to go to store to resolve instead.

CITI (Citibank - Junk Mail 2) fake credit card 3) 0% that revert to exhorbinant interest if any part of the agreement is breached. 4) 99 cent pricing 19.99 APR. 8/28/02

Chase- Junk mail.. 10/31/01, Pre-approved loan with fine print stating you must be approved. No visible interest rate., Worded "Up to $75,000 or more."

Clark Pest Control - The industry itself and not Clark specifically, needs to take steps to reglate itself. They have been living high on the hog by a nations dependency on them to conform to loan and buyer requirements. There is an EXTREME conflict of interest with Pest control companies that do pest reports for approximately $100 and then offer to repair what they find with the sometimes included incentive that they won't charge for a post work inspection. This leaves the industry wide open to find as much work as possible and to exaggerate the findings usually at the expense of the seller. Best to remedy this as an industry before more government regulation occurs. The Pest inspection and Pest control idustries need to be separate. The report doesnt' differentiate between redwood framed homes (usually older homes and regular wood framed homes). Redwood is termite resistant. They don't like the taste. This is also conveniently overlooked by this corrupted industry. See


Michael P. Murphy
DBA The Small Businessman -
Technical Site Coordinator and Registrant

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C Listings (Cont.)

barClickNDesign 3D (Stomp Software on Avery CD Stomper) -
Avoid at all costs   RockMSockM9NY  
Version: 3.4.7, 10/27/2004 09:25PM PST
1) As a person who spent months of aggrevation dealing with this company, I'd like to offer a warning to anyone considering using this product.
Over a year ago, I purchased this software as part of a "CD STOMPER" package. Moments after installing it, I was told I needed an upgrade. After spending an unecessary amount of time getting the upgrade via online download, the problems continued. Without getting into detail, the long and short of it was that the product was not functioning as described: 2) Images were being resized without my consent, and printed images were consistently poor in quality even when the source files were 600dpi.
3) After multiple attempts to contact tech support via the website, an employee finally answered me in one of the online forums. 4) Unfortunately, not only was the help ineffective, but his responses were few and far between. 5) Eventually, anything I posted was ignored. In addition, users with similar issues were also ignored.
I then tried contacting the company via email, and the 6) responses were even slower. I decided to try the website once more, only to find that my IP had been banned from posting. I was furious, and decided to call the company ASAP.
After getting the runaround, I was told QUOTE: "my comments were not constructive to the tech support forum," and that, 7) technically I was "not a click n design customer." According to the person on the phone, I had purchased their software as part of a "CD STOMPER" package that was put together by Avery. When I told them that I was using an upgrade that Click N' Design had been given to me DIRECTLY BY STOMP via registered online download, the person on the phone claimed that 8) I was "really not supposed to have that version," and that I was "given that version out of the goodness of their hearts" (no lie). They then indicated that access to the tech support area of their site was banned, and that I wasn't a customer. I told them that if I was ignored, I'd be forced to contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, and I hung up.
Shortly thereafter, I forwarded my concerns to the Avery corporation, as well as any corporate contacts for the Stomp, Inc. company who put out Click 'n' Design. Avery in particular was shocked and dismayed at the behavior of Stomp, Inc. After months of back and forth, the company finally decided to issue me a refund for the initial package purchase I made.
In closing, I must say that anyone and everyone should avoid this product and company. Their product was faulty, their tech support was rude and innefective, and their customer relations department was insulting and uneducated.
Don't make the same mistake I did, folks. NOTE: I also owned this product and felt that RockMSockM9NY said it all - MMURPHY

Clover Valley Group (Yes on Measure H Campaign for Rocklin, CA) - 1) Cold calliing with unlisted number. 2) Pretending to be the side that is providing more open space and less traffic to confuse voters on the issues. (obviously, more homes means more cars and less open space)

Closet World - Junk Mail 4/2/08


Coldwell Banker - Maureen Higelin- Junk Mail 10/12/01

CompUSA- 99 Cent Pricing, i.e. $2499.97 for a PowerMac?? That's not $2500 smackeroos?. How about $129.97 for Mac OSX??? That's not $130? 2) Jump through multiple hoops to submit for rebates (i.e. sending copy of original receipt with pre-printed copy especially for rebate. This causes potential rejections and less rebate payouts to frustrated customers. Honest, then discount at the register and you collect from the manufacturer. 3) Short return policy. 4) Poor return policy that sticks consumers with faulty equipment they can't use and if they honer the return, you may be forced to bring in your whole system to prove your point. 5) Doesn't always honor rebates. 6) Web rebate tracking submission fields don't alllow information to be entered correctly, keeping customer from being able to really track rebates. 6/16/04

ConAgra Foods (Hunt)- Snack Pack containers are only 2/3 full misleading consumers as to quantity they are getting. No wonder they are only 80 calories. Why not make them empty so that they are only 0 calories? 10/10/01

Consumer Reports- Junk mail.. 10/10/01

Countrywide Home Loans- 1) Junk mail.. 2) NO PRIVACY (opt in vs opt out) Even then, no privacy. 11/21/06

Course Mortgage Corporation - Junk mail.. 8/14/01

Craig's List - Eaten alive by spammers and competitive flaggers, is no longer able to offer a ligitimate or useful service to many. When Ebay gained 25% of the list, it may have doomed it to the also rans of history. 12/16/06

Credit Card Protection Agency, Inc.- Junk mail.. 8/14/01 Entisement heck enclosed with results in fine print. Junk Mail 9/10/01

Crown Roofing (Roseville, CA)- Junk Mail 4/1/08

C-SPAN NEWS.- RIGGED REPORTING For one of many, many examples, on 4/30/2002, under the call in topic "Marginal Presidential Candidates", C-SPAN offered call in numbers to survey the public. For those that felt the election system needs to allow third party candidates in the debates, you could call (202) 585-3880. The line was always busy. They didn't supply enough lines. If you felt they shouldn't be in the debates, it rang straight through. People assume C-SPAN is the least bias, but it is simply another rigged station, like CNN, FOX AND MSNBC. They are bias towards the current Democrat and Republican regime directives. Americans must get their news from outside the country or a much smaller news source in order to balance the extreme bias in U.S. advocacy news. Not even cable has provided a solution.

*Opinions and information is for the sole use of The Small Businessman and is not intended for use by the media or for any other particular use other than by the site owner. Listed companies are in alphabetical order. This is intended to assist companies to improve their business processes and ethics only per subjective opinion of The Small Businessman, not to diminish their sales or sales prospects - simply to improve them.

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